Página inicial do sítio > Apoiar a carta aberta como cidadão

Apoiar a carta aberta como cidadão

terça-feira 4 de Junho de 2024

Todas as versões deste artigo :

É um cidadão que deseja apoiar a nossa ação?

Assine aqui (os dados do signatário não serão exibidos no sítio Web).

Are you involved in this issue as a scientist (researcher, expert, etc.) or as an organisation?

Initially, the signature will be open only to scientists and organisations.
But you also can support our action as a citizen.


To send you the verification e-mail. Will not be displayed in the signatures.

The personal data provided to us via the signature form is used to manage your signature or for statistical purposes. The list of signatories (thus, the data you provided) will not be displayed publicly on the website. The e-mail verifying your signature on the open letter is sent via the MailJet service, on which we have deactivated the tracking of e-mail opening and followed links. The information provided will not be passed on or sold to any other third party. The law on the protection of privacy gives you the right to access and rectify your data, as well as the right to object to the use of your data. Contact: Lire et Écrire Communauté française – rue des Vétérinaires 42A bte 4 – 1070 Anderlecht – lire-et-ecrire@lire-et-ecrire.be

261 Assinaturas