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Register to our campaign launch
Essential Services Must Be Accessible, Even Offline
30 January 2025

Registrations for nonaccredited persons are closed.

Organised by Lire et Écrire.
Co-hosted by MEPs Estelle Ceulemans (S&D), David Cormand (Greens), Catarina Martins (The Left).

Everyone should equally have the right to access essential services, be it offline or online. What can the EU do to guarantee an equal access to essential services for all?

Digitally vulnerable people are at risk of discrimination with “online only” services fostered by the digital transformation.

We are pleased to invite you to our event at European Parliament.

Join us and the 600+ European organisations and scientists who signed our open letter to push for concrete actions at EU level.

When: Thursday 30 January 2025, from 14 to 16.
Where: European Parliament, room Spinelli 3H1 (BRU), rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Bruxelles

Interpretation will be provided in French and English.
Une interprétation sera disponible en français et anglais.

Deadline for registration: 25 January.
Registrations for nonaccredited persons are closed.


Do you already have an accreditation for the European Parliament? (Required)

Registrations for nonaccredited persons are closed.

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